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Tour Code:  (CLT)


(The Lake of moon)

This is a short but interesting trek and gives the trekker an opportunity to peep the heights of Kullu valley. Typical Himalayan villages and Shephards (Gaddi) are sure to be there to greet you. On reaching the Lake, one touches an altitude of 4800 Mtrs. Patches of snow and the green view of the valley below ensure a good experience.


Day 01: Manali – Jagatsukh ( 7 Kms drive) – Chikka

After a short drive visit the ancient temple at Jagatsukh . Immediately start trek  on a long grassy bank, sloping down from the cliffs, it is an ideal location for the end of the day’s march. The impressive grandeur of immediate surroundings, the nearness of the Tokru Shakru peaks,  the wonderful colouring of rocks and mountain side. Overnight in tents.

Day 02: Chikka –  Chhatru  16 Kms.

Over the Hamta pass 4270 Mtrs. In the Lahaul valley, distant and massive mountains dominate and landscape their serrated peaks silhouetted against the deep  blue horizon. Close views of Deo Tibba and fabled Indrasan Peaks. Overnight in tents.

Day 03: Chhatru – Chhota Dara 16 Kms

Leave in the morning and whole day walking through the rugged valley. Overnight in tents.

Day 04 : Chhota Dara – Batal  15 Kms

Batal is situated at the foot of Kunzum pass which provides the main approach to Spiti from Lahaul. The panorama as viewed from the top of the pass is enthralling and inspiring. On the way is Bara Shigri glaciers. Bara meaing big and Shigri meaning glacier in Lahaul dialect. The view of the Shigri stream emerging from beneath a huge iridescent archway of solid ice is a never to be forgotten sight. Behind the archway lies the Shigri glacier climbing up to dizzy height. The glacier is mountainous mass of solid ice, more than a kilometer wide and ex tending over a distance of ten kilometers. Overnight in tents.

Day  05 : Batal  - Chandratal   17 Kms.

Chandratal means the lake of Moon. This lake of exuisite beauty is set on a large meadow of edelweiss between a lower ridge and the main Kunzum range with an outlet into the Chandra river. A beautiful view of the Samudra Tapoo Glacier and of Mulkila range is obtainable. Overnight in tents.

Day 06 : Chandratal – Tokpo Yongma  12 Kms.

Leave in the morning aftger five to six hours walk we reach to the camping site, a little ahead of the camping site lies a stream that has to be forded the next day early in the morning. Camp little away from the stream. Overnight in tents.

Day 07 : Tokpo Yongma – Tokpo Gongma  11 Kms.

Start early morning because most mountain streams are low in the morning. The later part of the day generally makes the stream swell, making crossings almost impossible. After crossing the stream, a six hours walk brings us to another barren camping site surrounded by rocky hills. Overnight in tents.

Day 08 : Tokpo Gongma – Baralacha la   (4883 Mtrs.)

Today’s trail takes us through high country strewn with myriad streams flowing through green meadows. Ahead lies the Baralachala pass. Baralacha means summit with cross roads. Roads from Spiti, Ladakh, Zanskar and Lahaul meet here and in ancient times it was part of a trade route. On the North West lies the Bhaga river while the Chandra flows Sout East. Tonight it will be the coldest night during the whole tour. Overnight in tents.

From here there are many different options. One can continue trek till Darcha via Shingola or directly to Darcha. Another option the bus/jeep will pickup you from the Baralachala and will take you to Leh.

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